Movie The Jungle Book, Story, Trailers
The Jungle Book was released on Apr 07, 2016 and was directed by Jon Favreau .This movie is 1 hr 46 min in duration and is available in Hindi, Telugu, Tamil and English languages. The Jungle Book scores a 7.5 digit binge rating out of 10 and is a brilliant movie to watch in the Drama, Family, Kids, Adventure, Fantasy and Dance and Music genres - lion king jungle book.
An adaptation of the Disney movie "The Jungle Book", Mowgli, the boy who gets lost in the jungle now lives different adventures. The film is so surefooted in its effects, so precise and simple in its characterizations, and so clear about what it's trying to say about the relationship between humanity and nature, that it made me feel about his age again, too -lion king in the jungle.
Sethi is a compelling young lead, making viewers really care about a boy who has only known the jungle and doesn't understand why he's being hunted. Elba is pitch perfect as the villainous Shere Khan, who in a misguided way makes sense -- man does cause destruction in the jungle -- but is so blinded by vengeance that he can't be made to see that Mowgli truly loves the jungle. For more information, please visit, our site
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